Let’s dive a bit deeper into radiation therapy and what makes SCINTIX® therapy unique.
SCINTIX therapy, a form of radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, is a highly precise type of cancer treatment that uses beams of intense energy to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy most often uses X-rays and is proven to be an effective, non-surgical, way to treat cancer.
SCINTIX therapy uses radiotracers and positron emission tomography (PET), but in an entirely new way. Instead of using PET to diagnose the cancer, SCINTIX therapy uses the signals generated from the tumor after a radiotracer injection to direct the radiation beam to the tumor.
Following an injection with the radiotracer, fludeoxyglucose, or FDG-18, tumors continuously generate signals that are detected and determine where radiation should be delivered.
Because tumors move, clinicians add a margin of healthy tissue around the tumor to create a larger target as a way to ensure that the radiation beam hits the tumor even if it moves. SCINTIX therapy adjusts in real-time to tumor movement and may reduce the amount of healthy tissue irradiated to lessen the side effects of radiation therapy.
how is scintix therapy different?
SCINTIX therapy captures and uses live signals from the tumor itself and transforms them into instructions that tell the machine that delivers SCINTIX therapy where to deliver the radiation during treatment. This dialog between the machine and the tumors is continuous throughout the entire treatment. The ability to use live signals, as opposed to images taken days or even moments before, is a key differentiator between SCINTIX therapy and other radiation treatment therapies.
am i a candidate for scintix therapy?
Please speak to your doctors as to whether SCINTIX therapy is right for you.
SCINTIX therapy is currently cleared to treat tumors in the lung or bone, which can arise from primary or metastatic disease. Therefore, any tumors outside of the lung or bone cannot currently be treated with SCINTIX therapy.
As SCINTIX therapy relies on signals from the cancer itself, it is imperative that the tumor produces sufficient signals. This is the first step in determining whether SCINTIX therapy is a viable option for you.
For many patients, the best treatment isn’t a one-size-fits all plan, but a combination of therapies. Clinicians will often prescribe radiation therapy in combination with chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted drugs to try to improve patient outcomes. SCINTIX therapy can work in combination with other treatments your doctor may prescribe. Recent studies demonstrate that when radiation therapy is combined with drug therapies, there is an increase in overall survival for patients with metastatic disease. Click the links below to review two examples.
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Download the SCINTIX therapy brochure to support your conversation.